- Become a leading legal services consultant and a trusted, efficient and accountable consultant
- Providing the best service for clients
- Creating a comfortable, safe and profitable cooperative relationship for both parties
- Building credibility as a trusted company

TMTAK is a company in the field of legality services, management consulting and immigration for Indonesian citizens (WNI) and foreign citizens (WNA). Established in 2016, we are committed to providing service
the best and most trusted for our clients.
TMTAK is committed to providing excellent service in responding to every client’s needs and we uphold integrity in all our actions and are responsible for fulfilling our commitments to clients.
TMTAK has a professional and experienced team in the fields of legal services, management consulting and immigration. We focus on meeting client needs in the process of processing various types of documents easily,
safe, efficient and effective.
Tentang TMTAK
TMTAK adalah perusahaan di bidang jasa legalitas, konsultasi management dan keimigrasian untuk Warga Negara Indonesia (WNI) dan Warga Negara Asing (WNA). Didirikan sejak tahun 2016, kami berkomitmen untuk memberikan pelayanan
terbaik dan terpercaya bagi para client kami.
TMTAK memiliki komitmen untuk memberikan pelayanan prima dalam menjawab setiap kebutuhan klien dan kami menjunjung tinggi integritas dalam setiap tindakan kami dan bertanggung jawab untuk memenuhi komitmen kami kepada klien.
TMTAK memiliki tim yang profesional dan berpengalaman dalam bidang jasa legalitas, konsultasi management dan keimigrasian. Kami berfokus pada pemenuhan kebutuhan klien dalam proses pengurusan berbagai jenis dokumen dengan mudah,
aman, efisien dan efektif.
The Legality of the Company
Name of the notary:
Ny. Rose Katarina, SH